Monday, June 18, 2007

~Murphy's Law~

What a Father's Day my poor Prince Charming had!
While trying to find an Animal Medical Clinic open on a Sunday to take our beloved Shadow to, we finally ended up having to take him 5 towns away! While completing the necessary paperwork, B1 called us in a bit of a state as her Granny thought we might have to get Papa back to the hospital. Fortunately, by the time we got back home, Papa was feeling good enough to wait until the nurse came to see him at home today.

Prince Charming & I grabbed a quick lunch, jumped on the bikes & made a run for it.
Unfortunately, we only got as far as the first intersection near our home. Prince
Charming's bike wasn't firing right, so that put the end to a fun afternoon ride.
Since my bike was due at the dealership for service, Prince Charming got stuck heading there on Hwy 401.........definitely not the enjoyable ride to Prince Edward County that he'd expected to do today. He managed to get there before the Hwy backed up with all the weekend travellers trying to get thru the construction zones.

I first caught up to him at the gas station, thank goodness, since I'd left my wallet & driver's license in my bike & now was in my car. I wasn't so lucky with the highway traffic. Prince Charming headed off while I decided to grab a coffee to go. The highway backed up before I'd gotten to where I was to meet him. The short-cut I'd taken backed up about 10 minutes after I took it. What normally would take no more that 10 minutes took me 30 minutes or better.

Prince Charming didn't mind my being delayed. This enabled him to talk to the mechanic & he was waiting outside the shop for me (I didn't stand a chance at getting any shopping done, lol). However, my car wouldn't start & I had to get it boosted so that we could get home. By this time, we both decided that more than enough things had gone wrong. We opted to call Papa to wish him a Happy Father's Day instead of going there in person. Thank goodness the family celebrated Father's Day for Papa & Prince Charming on Friday along with the celebration of Miss Misery's 18th birthday!!

Murphy's Law ~ without bad luck we'd have no luck at all, lol. Some days are just like that (or maybe some months are just like that). We're definitely looking forward to July in the hopes that things will get better. The only June date I'm looking forward to is Miss Misery's graduation ceremony on the 28th.....then June can get the heck out of my life!!

1 comment:

j said...

We have the worst luck sometimes. At least you guys got out of the house for a bit, bet that was helpful.